What Is Clean Beauty and Is It Better for Your Skin?

A smiling woman stands at the shore

Most of us have heard about clean beauty, but it’s not always easy to understand what clean beauty means for skincare.

If you have asked yourself, “What is clean beauty and is it better for my skin?’’ continue reading to find out the answers!

What Is Clean Beauty and Why You Should Care

No one wants to introduce harmful chemicals into their body by using products designed to make their skin healthier and more vibrant. People want to use products that are effective and safe.

An infographic with four circles of information about clean beauty

That’s what clean beauty is about—using safe, non-toxic products in your beauty and skincare regimen that will not only perform, but that are safe for people and the environment as well.

Toxic vs. Clean Beauty

Clean skincare products are products that are free from harmful chemicals. Some people even refer to clean beauty as non-toxic beauty.

It may surprise you that ingredients regarded as toxic are commonly found in lipsticks, shampoos, and many other beauty products. Many people are turning to clean beauty products to avoid these ubiquitous toxic chemicals and ingredients.

Clean beauty places an emphasis on organic, vegan, and cruelty-free ingredients as opposed to chemical ingredients that were used in the past. Many organic and natural ingredients work as well, or better than, their chemical counterparts—posing no potential danger to the user.

However, the clean beauty movement goes beyond the use of safe products. It also includes the use of sustainably sourced ingredients and packaging that is more environmentally friendly. Clean beauty companies don’t use products that contribute to water pollution or that are packaged in non-biodegradable materials.

The overall goal of clean beauty brands to is make the beauty industry more sustainable and compassionate to all living things.

A Word About Clean Beauty Claims

Many companies claim their products are clean or natural. But what does this really mean?

Cosmetic jars, towels, and greenery on a wooden shelf

It’s certainly reassuring to buy a beauty product that’s labeled as “clean,” “non-toxic,” or “natural.” But these terms aren’t regulated by the government, so their true meaning is up to interpretation. Companies don’t need to prove they’re using clean ingredients to put these words on their packaging legally, and it doesn’t mean the product is safe for you to use.

So what does this mean for the average consumer?

It means you’ll need to do your own research on the ingredients in your clean beauty care products as well as other beauty products.

Health Problems Linked to Some Skincare Ingredients

Many ingredients found in standard beauty products link to serious healthcare problems, including cancer and endocrine disruption. Lesser, but nonetheless important problems such as skin irritation, have also been linked to many skincare ingredients.

Greenery and liquid solutions attractively placed in test tubes

How to Research Ingredients

Today, it’s easy to perform your ingredients’ searches online. Just be sure that you’re getting your information from reliable online sources—not from a website that has something to gain by offering biased information. Also, be aware that the safety of certain ingredients remains highly controversial even in 2024!

The FDA, the agency responsible for evaluating an ingredient’s safety, will only ban an item if there’s sufficient documentation to support a toxicity claim. However, other countries have already banned many of these ingredients.

In the end, after you’ve completed your research, it’s up to you to decide if you feel safe using a certain beauty or cosmetic product.

How to Select Clean Beauty Products

The key to effective use of clean beauty products is knowing what works best for your skin and for your body. While a natural ingredient may work well for one person with no unwanted side effects, it may have a different effect on the next person.

A good example is the use of aloe vera. This natural ingredient is excellent for providing enhanced hydration. However, it’s not uncommon for some people to have an allergic reaction to this plant-based ingredient.

So, a good place to start in determining if a skincare product will work well for you is to always read the product label, paying particular attention to the ingredients. Then research these ingredients.

A young woman looks at a computer as she takes notes

This research will show you:

  • Which products are safe
  • Which products are high quality
  • Which products work for your skin type

You can start your clean beauty journey by purchasing one clean beauty product and then seeing how it works for you.

Read about beauty habits for healthy, glowing skin.

What to Avoid

Here’s a list of ingredients to avoid whether you’re embracing clean beauty or simply want to avoid toxic ingredients in your beauty products.


Some skincare and cosmetic products still include these endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Researchers have linked parabens to an increased risk of cancer and harm to fertility and reproductive organs. They can also irritate the skin.


Sulfates are harsh chemicals found in skincare products, cosmetics, and soaps. Studies have linked sulfates to endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, and skin irritation. Use products labeled “sulfate-free.”

Synthetic Fragrances

This ingredient can refer to potentially harmful chemicals used in scented products. These chemicals can aggravate asthma and allergies.


This mineral is present in various cosmetics and personal care products, including baby powder. Scientists have established a link between it and ovarian and other cancer and respiratory problems. Purchase “talc-free” items.


Manufacturers use this as a preservative in cosmetics, and it is also present in soaps and perfumes. It has been linked to eczema and severe allergic reactions.

Now, here are natural and healthy way to improve your skin:

Contact us at Vibrance MedSpa where we will help clients achieve healthy, radiant, youthful-looking skin.

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