Chemical Peels – Which Chemical Peel is Right for Me?
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Chemical peels are treatments that make the skin on your face, neck, chest, and hands look and feel better.
They can correct or reduce many cosmetic skin issues, while providing a general softening of the skin.

Chemical peels offer an array of benefits, including:
- Reduced fine lines and wrinkles from aging and sun damage
- Treatment of acne
- Reduced appearance of scars
- Reduced appearance of melasma, and freckles
- Reduced dark patches resulting from pregnancy or birth control pills
Chemical peels will not solve the issues of sagging or deeply wrinkled skin.
Now that you know what chemical peels can do for you, the question remains, “Which chemical peel is right for me?”
Are chemical peels good for your skin?
Let’s first address this critical issue of whether chemical peels are good for your skin and then explore the different types of skin peels.
So, are chemical peels good for your skin?
Yes. In fact, the skin peel, as determined by a dermatologist or trained aesthetician, is good for your skin.
Cosmetic peels promote exfoliation and resurfacing of the skin. This helps to rebuild the skin’s collagen and speeds up cellular turnover rate. This means healthier, glowing and more vibrant skin.
However, before treatment, be sure to disclose if you:
- Have a history of cold sores
- Experience frequent or severe cold sores
- Have a personal history or family history of keloids (thick, raised scarring)
- Are pregnant
Also, be aware that chemical peels often work best on light and fair skin.
If you have darker skin, good results will depend on the specific condition being treated. It may be advised that you may see uneven skin tones afterward.

Everyone should take these precautions after a chemical peel treatment:
- Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen greater than SPF 30 every day
- Limit time in the sun
- Wear a broad-brimmed hat outside
The Three Strengths of Chemical Peels

Chemical skin peels can be mild, medium, or deep.
Mild (Superficial) Peels
Mild peels are often called lunchtime peels. A mild acid, such as alpha-hydroxy acid, gently penetrates and exfoliate the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It can refresh the skin or treat mild skin conditions.
Medium Peels
Medium peels include glycolic or trichloroacetic acid (TCA). These peels reach the epidermis and the top part of the skin’s middle layer. Medium peels improve a variety of skin conditions, including fine lines and wrinkles, moderate skin discoloration, and rough skin.
Deep Peels
Deep peels can include TXA or phenol to penetrate the middle layer of skin. They are used to remove deeper wrinkles, spots and freckles, scars, and some pre-cancerous growths.
How do chemical peels work?
A chemical peel is an outpatient procedure.
The proper chemical peel solution is applied after a thorough analysis and cleansing of the skin. The solution causes the skin to exfoliate by creating a controlled blister. The blister eventually peels off to reveal newer, fresh skin.
Here’s when you’ll see results:
- Mild skin peels usually reveal fresh skin in 3-7 days
- Medium and deep peels usually resolve in 7-14 days
But results can vary from individual to individual, and from treatment to treatment.
Will I see results after 1 treatment?
Visible results depend on the type of peel you receive. On deeper peels, results are clearly visible after one treatment.
For milder peels, you will most likely see a noticeable difference after peeling and complete healing. But you may need subsequent treatment for desired results.
How many treatments will I need, and how long do treatments last?
Skin peels vary in intensity, depending on the skin type and corrections that are to be made.

Different factors affect the number of treatments needed and the length of time the results last. But the type of peel you receive is the most influential factor regarding how long the results last.
You can repeat mild peels about every four-weeks. Treatments stop once you are happy with the results. Results usually last about one month.
Medium peels can be repeated in six to twelve months, if desired.
Deep peels should only be repeated very two to three years. Results can last for many years.
Different Skin Peels—Which is Right for You?
At Vibrance MedSpa we offer several medical-grade chemical peels
Whether your cosmetic concerns are skin pigmentation or signs of aging, our chemical peels will dramatically improve the appearance of your skin. Our highly trained aesthetician will analyze your skin and let you know which peel will work best for you.
Some of our common chemical peels include:
- Glycolic—an anti-aging peel
- A purifying acne treatment
- Lightening four-layer lift
- Image MD Peels (TCA and Perfection)
- Vitamin C Peels
Vi Peel
You can achieve that look of radiant and youthful skin with our Vi Peel treatment. It contains a blend of gentle ingredients that will beautifully refresh and help restore all skin types.
Vi Peel will improve your skin’s tone, texture, and clarity by:
- Reducing age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, and freckles
- Treat sun damage and sunspots
- Reducing enlarged pores
- Reducing appearance and scarring
- Softening facial lines and wrinkles
- Reducing appearance of rosacea
- Clearing acne-related skin conditions
This treatment can safely treat the face, neck, chest, and hands.
An application usually takes between 30-45 minutes. The application will remain on the treated area for four hours, after which time it will be washed off.
The peeling period usually begins 2-3 days after treatment and lasts for 3-7 days.
The best results are achieved when a series of three Vi Peels are done, approximately 4 – 6 weeks apart.
Derma-Peel offers a more advanced treatment for skin that needs some extra help.
Our Derma-Peel treatment combines skin dermabrasion and a chemical peel. We customize the chemical peel for your specific needs; it’s chosen from the many chemical peels we offer. This includes peels for anti-aging, acne, or simply renewed radiance.
The combination of dermabrasion and a chemical peel creates a deeper exfoliation process. The peel thoroughly removes debris in the pores, which leads to pore reduction.
At Vibrance MedSpa, we offer a wide range of chemical peels and facials to improve the appearance of your skin. Contact us for a complimentary consultation. Chemical peels and facials will have you loving your skin!